1. Abstract
Most natural learning situations are of a complex nature
and consist of a tight conjunction of the animal’s behavior (B) with the
perceived stimuli. According to the behavior of the animal in response
to these stimuli, they are classified as being either biologically neutral
(conditioned stimuli, CS) or important (unconditioned stimuli, US or reinforcer).
A typical learning situation is thus identified by a three term contingency
of B, CS and US. A functional characterization of the single associations
during conditioning in such a three term contingency has so far hardly
been possible. Therefore, the operational distinction between classical
conditioning as a behavior-independent learning process (CS-US associations)
and operant conditioning as essentially behavior-dependent learning (B-US
associations) has proven very valuable. However, most learning experiments
described so far have not been successful in fully separating operant from
classical conditioning into single-association tasks. The Drosophila
flight simulator in which the relevant behavior is a single motor variable
(yaw torque), allows for the first time to completely separate the operant
(B-US, B-CS) and the classical (CS-US) components of a complex learning
situation and to examine their interactions. In this thesis the contributions
of the single associations (CS-US, B-US and B-CS) to memory formation are
studied. Moreover, for the first time a particularly prominent single association
(CS-US) is characterized extensively in a three term contingency. A yoked
control shows that classical (CS-US) pattern learning requires more training
than operant pattern learning. Additionally, it can be demonstrated that
an operantly trained stimulus can be successfully transferred from the
behavior used during training to a new behavior in a subsequent test phase.
This result shows unambiguously that during operant conditioning classical
(CS-US) associations can be formed. In an extension to this insight, it
emerges that such a classical association blocks the formation of an operant
association, which would have been formed without the operant control of
the learned stimuli. Instead the operant component seems to develop less
markedly and is probably merged into a complex three-way association. This
three-way association could either be implemented as a sequential B-CS-US
or as a hierarchical (B-CS)-US association. The comparison of a simple
classical (CS-US) with a composite operant (B, CS and US) learning situation
and of a simple operant (B-US) with another composite operant (B, CS and
US) learning situation, suggests a hierarchy of predictors of reinforcement.
Operant behavior occurring during composite operant conditioning is hardly
conditioned at all. The associability of classical stimuli that bear no
relation to the behavior of the animal is of an intermediate value, as
is operant behavior alone. Stimuli that are controlled by operant behavior
accrue associative strength most easily. If several stimuli are available
as potential predictors, again the question arises which CS-US associations
are formed? A number of different studies in vertebrates yielded amazingly
congruent results. These results inspired to examine and compare the properties
of the CS-US association in a complex learning situation at the flight
simulator with these vertebrate results. It is shown for the first time
that Drosophila can learn compound stimuli and recall the individual
components independently and in similar proportions. The attempt to obtain
second-order conditioning with these stimuli, yielded a relatively small
effect. In comparison with vertebrate data, blocking and sensory preconditioning
experiments produced conforming as well as dissenting results. While no
blocking could be found, a sound sensory preconditioning effect was obtained.
Possible reasons for the failure to find blocking are discussed and further
experiments are suggested. The sensory preconditioning effect found in
this study is revealed using simultaneous stimulus presentation and depends
on the amount of preconditioning. It is argued that this effect is a case
of ‘incidental learning’, where two stimuli are associated without the
need of reinforcement. Finally, the implications of the results obtained
in this study for the general understanding of memory formation in complex
learning situations are discussed. |